
住宿生活为学生提供积极、安全和发展的住宿体验&我的学生. As we are a residential campus, 98% of W&我的学生 live on campus during their four years. 一年级学生与室友配对,并根据他们提交的生活偏好住在一年级宿舍. 所有继续学习的学生参加春季住房过程,以确保来年的住房. 拉, upper-class trained para-professional staff, 在宿舍生活中与专业人员一起工作,为学生提供支持并协助建立社区.

10月21日,学生们与校长宿舍菲尔莫尔大厅和门罗大厅一起走在校园里, 2019 during the Creosote Affects photo shoot at 华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件.

First Year 学生宿舍



Cooper is a co-ed residence hall. The residents of Cooper enjoy a suite-style living, 社区厨房, and laundry facilities conveniently located in the building. 一楼的大型公共空间为学习和社交提供了一个区域. 建筑的“U”形在室外创造了一个长满草的庭院,学生们可以在这里放松和享受美好的天气.



The entrance and lobby of Cooper were renovated in the summer of 2019.




Alexander, like Cooper, is a co-ed residence hall. The residents of Alexander enjoy suite-style living, 社区厨房, several quiet study spaces, and an expansive courtyard in front of the building. 除了, 它拥有一个大的底层公共区域,经常是伟大的节目和活动的家园. 亚历山大也坐落在一个室外篮球场旁边,学生们经常在天气好的时候在那里聚会.

亚历山大•霍尔 Quick Fact:

亚历山大宿舍和隔壁的高年级学生宿舍马歇尔宿舍是一对双胞胎. 除了多年来做了一些改动外,这些建筑几乎保持不变. 亚历山大•霍尔 also houses the Peer Assisted Learning Center and the First Years Resource Lounge.



Mellon is an all-female residence hall. 梅隆大厅 traditionally boasts one of the closest communities on campus. A traditional hall, 梅隆大厅 consists primarily of double rooms. 每层楼的住户共用最近装修过的四间浴室中的一间. 一楼和二楼有自习室供所有居民使用,一楼有一个大的公共休息室. 与高年级和北厅共享的庭院区域经常是飞盘游戏的场所. Mellon was built in 1949 in the memory of James Ross Mellon, a member of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Class of 1865, 是W的礼物.L. 和五月。. 梅隆基金会.

Mellon is one of the oldest and most storied halls on campus.



Upperclass is an all-male residence hall. 它主要由双人间组成,但也包括有限数量的三人间和单人间. 居民们共用一层浴室,这些浴室最近作为大规模建筑翻新的一部分进行了更新. 位于建筑西侧的庭院区域和建筑底层的公共区域是与新朋友共度时光的好地方. 洗衣设施 are nearby in neighboring North Hall.


尽管它的名字, 在其历史的大部分时间里,高年级学生宿舍实际上都是新生宿舍.


  • 以太网接入
  • Wireless Internet access
  • 有线电视
  • 洗衣设施 in the building
  • Public kitchen space with range, refrigerator, and microwave
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • Public study rooms on all floors of the building
  • 以太网接入
  • Wireless Internet access
  • 有线电视
  • 洗衣设施 nearby in 库珀大厅
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • 自动售货机
  • Public study rooms on all floors of the building
  • 以太网接入
  • Wireless Internet access
  • 有线电视
  • 洗衣设施 nearby in North Hall
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • Public kitchen space with range, refrigerator, and microwave 
  • Public study rooms on all floors of the building
  • 以太网接入
  • Wireless Internet access
  • 有线电视
  • 洗衣设施 nearby in North Hall
  • 带电视的公共休息室, game tables, and microwave

Upperclass 学生宿舍



Bica-Ross大厅 is home to 118 students. 该建筑主要为高年级和大三的学生提供套间式的生活选择. Each suite in Bica-Ross contains four single bedrooms, 公共生活区, 公共浴室, 还有一个储物柜. 此外,每间套房都配备了暖气和空调系统. A study room can be found on each floor. 学生可以在里面使用带水槽、冰箱和微波炉的小厨房. A laundry facility can be found on the ground floor. 建筑通向一个庭院,亨利纪念体育馆也位于建筑旁边.



The building was dedicated by Ms. Violet Bica-Ross in memory of her late husband L. 克莱顿·罗斯30. Ms. Bica-Ross每年访问校园,随后在Bica-Ross大厅举行招待会. Construction on this building was completed in 2004.



马歇尔大厅是130名上层阶级男女的家,他们享受套房式的生活,两个房间共用一个浴室. 马歇尔每层有两个自习室,一楼有一个大的公共区域,学生可以在那里放松和社交,看电视, 打台球, or cook a meal together in the community kitchen. 毗邻建筑的篮球场和沙排球场允许户外活动,洗衣设施位于隔壁的库珀大厅.


The building is dedicated to the memory of The Hon. 老W. 马歇尔是W的成员&J Class of 1904 who served as President of the 校董会 from 1948-1959. 马歇尔大厅也是亚历山大大厅的孪生兄弟,亚历山大大厅就在正前方.



新宿舍楼 is home to 108 upper-class students. 新宿舍楼于2002年建成,第四层于2004年完工. New Res为大三和大四的学生提供套房式的生活选择. Each suite in New Res contains two bedrooms and a double room, 公共生活区, 公共浴室, 还有储物柜. 此外,每间套房都配备了暖气和空调系统. A study room can be found on each floor. 学生可以在里面使用带水槽、冰箱和微波炉的小厨房. A laundry facility can be found on the ground floor.



总统一行 offers a variety of housing options for upper-class students. There are nine buildings within this community which include Buchanan Hall, 哈里森大厅, 杰斐逊大厅, 和华盛顿大厅. These buildings offer co-ed, living environments as well as the Green House (Adams Hall), International House (Cleveland Hall), Quiet House (Lincoln Hall), and the Pet House (Monroe Hall). 每栋建筑由32名学生组成的社区组成,学生住在一个侧翼,共用一个公共浴室. Each building also has two common lounges and a laundry facility.

总统一行 Quick Fact:

总统街于1968年完工,最初是兄弟会和姐妹会的所在地,直到2005年秋天,他们搬到了栗子街. 总统街宿舍楼于2019年夏天开始翻新.


韦德的房子是一栋上层女性建筑,住着24名住户和一名House Liaison. The house has single, double, and triple rooms and a restroom on each floor. 这座房子位于东华盛顿区历史悠久的伯内特和奥林大厅(Burnett and Olin Halls)的山上.




惠特沃斯公寓为上流社会的女学生提供了独特的生活环境,因为它分为个人, self-contained apartments. Each apartment has its own bathroom, living room, and full kitchen. 这座房子位于东华盛顿区历史悠久的伯内特和奥林大厅(Burnett and Olin Halls)的山上.

惠特沃斯故居是一座19世纪中期的维多利亚式豪宅,由华盛顿买下 & 澳门葡京博彩软件 in 1997. Formerly called Kimm House, it was renamed by the College in 2007.


  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 空调
  • 洗衣设施
  • 每层的自习室都有带微波炉的小厨房、水槽区和餐桌
  • 自动售货机
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 社区厨房
  • Public lounge with pool table and TV
  • 自动售货机
  • 洗衣设施 located in 库珀大厅
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 空调
  • 洗衣设施 on ground floor
  • 每层的自习室都有小厨房,里面有微波炉、水槽区和餐桌
  • 自动售货机
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • 娱乐室
  • 洗衣设施
  • Grills located on each patio
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • Kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, and stove
  • 洗衣设施 located on ground floor
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • Full kitchens in each apartment
  • 洗衣设施 located in basement
